Our Initiatives
We are a socially responsible firm, a life stance that we share also with our key business partners. Reflecting our approach to business, we support initiatives that contribute to the long-term benefits of local communities through education and science.
The D3 Initiative: together with BaaS, twice per year, we offer to three young people the possibility to have a free three-month on-job-training at our premises in Athens. At the end of the training, we offer to participants available work positions at our companies or at our clients. We have run D3 first time in September 2016.
The FTZ Initiative: Forward Thinking Zone (FTZ) is a series of specialized seminars and workshops that focus on the various aspects of Digital Transformation to help businesses understand and embrace this new reality and become a part of a new generation that can be successful in international competition. We train entrepreneurs in the following five key areas: a. Business Strategy & Planning, b. Technology Evolution, c. Business Model for Value Creation, d. Transforming People & Processes, e. Customer Experience. We have run FTZ first time in June 2017 during the major Greek Social Media & e-Business Conference.